Thursday, May 15, 2008

Summer Scheduling

I thought I would quickly share an idea for summer scheduling since, as of this next week, I will have all 3 of my boys here with me all day.

I had a friend suggest a solution to reduce the sibling rivalry between my two oldest (I doubt any of you have this problem!)

Her suggestion is to direct them to seperate activities for a specific amount of time - a Timer comes in really handy for this. I tested this out this afternoon, and it worked wonderfully! Basically they each do an activity for 30 min and then they switch. (And what do you know, an hour has gone by and NO FIGHTING!!)

Here are the activities they do and then switch:

Art (coloring, playdough, etc.)/Favorite TV show

Computer/Special Toys (
toys reserved for this time that are not available other times like Leggos)

Playroom free play/ Workbook pages

Audio Books/ Learing Video

I would love suggestions on other activities to use - esp for rainy days!

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asborneman said...
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Claire and Jason Bintz said...

I know! Time with Aunt Boo!